Subscription boxes have definitely become a huge thing in just about every category out there! On the beauty side, the biggest competitors are BoxyCharm and Ipsy. They're both really fun and filled with some good products to try out for yourself or giveaway if you don't plan to use something.
Let's start with Ipsy since that's what I subscribed to first.

This pallet included SIX eye shadows. Ofra eye shadow pans are $10 EACH. Out of the four products that came in the've already received ONE product that's worth $60! $21 spent...and you have a $60 more. I'll let you think about that for the second you'll need to see why that's an amazing. deal. ;)
Moving on...I signed up for BoxyCharm after seeing the unboxing because I've been wanting Ofra products for a while, and the other products included looked cute. I also thought about the long run... What if I get a product or two that I will never use? Easy...collect those and use them for a giveaway or donation! July's box alone contained products that totaled up to $121 retail price. Who cares if you get one or two products you don't want when they're all great quality items that you got an amazing deal on? This month's box is actually including a liquid lipstick that's a shade I would never wear, but I know that others would love it, so I'm going to hang onto it for a possible Instagram giveaway later on down the road (like maybe when I hit 1,000 followers...hint hint LoL).
By the way...BoxyCharm sends out the same products to everyone. There may be one product that's a 50/50 chance of getting over a different one, but ultimately everyone gets the same products. There's not a huge layout of products that you have a one in a million chance of getting. I actually love that because you don't have to be like "man I wish I had gotten that over this".
On both of these subscription options, you can cancel anytime. There's no cancellation fee, and you can always resubscribe. One key note about subscribing that I want to point out here, though, is that Ipsy has a waiting list. You could be waiting for months before your subscription goes through, or you can share your referral link on social media to immediately get you off the waiting list. With BoxyCharm, there is no waiting list. When you sign up, it's an immediate process. If you cancel, there's no possibility of being on a waiting list if you resubscribe, which is also something that happens with Ipsy.
With everything said, I'm sure it's obvious that I prefer BoxyCharm over Ipsy, but they both are still great options that include a variety of products. Ipsy definitely gives you a ton of products that are possible for you to get, while BoxyCharm has a set list that you're guaranteed. You have mostly samples with Ipsy vs. full-sized with BoxyCharm, which I know some people prefer samples because they don't need the clutter of having all the full-sized products they'll never use or go through to organize. Ipsy is cheaper with a waiting list while BoxyCharm is more expensive without one. They both pretty much balance each other out, and they both have their pros and cons. It's really up to personal preference, and possible budget, as to which one you would want to go with. :)
If you would like to subscribe to BoxyCharm, you can Click Here to sign up. If you want to subscribe to Ipsy, you can Click Here.

That's it for this post! I will be here again Friday! Have a great Wednesday everyone! 💋
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