Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Beauty Wednesday: Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action Acne Treatment Pads

Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope you have had a great weeks so far and that the weekend starts to get here faster!

Today's post will be on the Clearasil Acne Treatment Pads (the full title is a mouthful!) since these are what I used when I had my bad breakouts recently. Keep in mind, my results may very from anyone else's since everyone has different skin and different reactions. :)

First off, I did use these when I was a young teenager. I would get the occasional pimples on my face, and I never really wore makeup because I didn't know what to do with most of it so I felt like everyone noticed when I broke out. They would get red, and I would usually try to pop them myself, which sometimes caused scabs to occur. Thankfully, I never got any scarring (that's noticeable anyways), but pimples still come up on my face today. It's not crazy acne...just nasty bugger here and there on my face. Blegh!

Recently, I had a bunch of pimples that came up probably because I tried on about three different foundations and primers and who knows what else while I was testing out product to review. I had a few that scabbed up really badly or just simply wouldn't pop. I decided to go get something for them so I found the Clearasil pads that I used when I was a kid. The label states that it's rapid action and will diminish redness and size of pimples within four hours so I was like "Yep...that's what I want!"

Well, I got home and immediately washed my face and used one of the pads. They definitely stung in the breakouts that had opened up and popped already, and the fumes coming off of them made my eyes sting. Well, after that, I just went to my room and chilled out for a while...played some video games and watched TV with Josh. When I went to brush my teeth and wash my face again, I noticed NOTHING had changed on my face. At this point, I figured maybe it's because it was just my first time using them. I used another pad after I washed my face again and went to bed.

Morning came...still no difference. This lasted for about a week, and I was using them three times a day, which is the recommendation on the container. Josh eventually told me that I need to just not put anything on my face, including makeup and moisturizer, and they would go away. I argued a little bit because I really didn't want to go without makeup while having these huge blemishes on my face, but after a day of him telling me this and the Clearasil pads still not working, I decided I may as well try and see what happened. I didn't have anything to lose really.

Now...I did keep using concealer over the blemishes, but I washed it off as soon as I got home from work. I didn't moisturize my face...I didn't use any other makeup on my face...all I did was cleanse it as I normally would in the morning and at night. Sure enough...after TWO DAYS of just leaving my face alone...blemishes got smaller and scabs started to fall off! I was so happy about not having to worry about my face looking crazy anymore! Given, I still have some marks left from a little remaining dead skin that still hasn't come off with exfoliant, but I have no more blemishes or scabs on my face! Who would've thought that the best thing to do was to just leave it alone? I guess that's why I have Josh in my life! ;-P  He really did give me the best advice, and I think back now and wonder why I thought it was so crazy that I should just leave my skin alone for the time being until it all just went away. I guess I figured if someone's selling a product to help the situation then that would be better, but, in this case, it didn't.

Sorry Clearasil, but this product literally did nothing for me. It gave me the sensation that it was doing something, but all it really did was dry my face out and make it super I had some sort of really thin mask on my face.

These pads are definitely a no go for me. I would rate them about a 2/10. I gave them a little credit due to how there is definitely alcohol in the pads that will do something to your face, but the stinging and the fumes with zero results just aren't good for me. Sorry!!!

That wraps up this review! Let me know if you've ever tried these before and how it turned out for you! Also, don't forget to follow me on Instagram (ktparte) and Snapchat (partepickle)!

Have a great day everyone! ðŸ’‹

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